How to Maintain Concrete Pavers & What is the Thickness of concrete Pavers & it’s features?

Concrete paver driveways require very little maintenance. An occasional sweeping or hose rinsing will keep them clean enough. If weeds find their way through the surface, just remove them as soon as they appear. Stains can usually be removed with a concrete cleaner, but you should check with the manufacturer for recommendations.
Should tree roots, frost heave, or settling damage a section of the driveway, it is easy to remove the affected pavers, fix the underlying problem, and put the driveway back together.
Thickness of concrete pavers varies according to the application:
·         Pedestrian areas, driveways, and areas subject to limited vehicular use are paved with units 2 3/8" thick.
·         Streets and industrial pavements should be paved with units 3 1/8" thick.
Pavers made in the United States should meet or exceed the requirements established in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C 936, Standard Specifications for Solid Interlocking Concrete Paving Units.
Here are the requirements for this standard:
·         An average compressive strength of 8,000 psi
·         An average absorption no greater than 5%
·         Resistance to at least 50 freeze-thaw cycles with average material loss not exceeding 1%
·         Conformance to abrasion resistance tests
